30AprARTICLE: Regulatory Demands Augur Well for Top Professionals in Leading Jurisdictions
Sebastien Hayoz, Managing Director, Asiaciti Trust Singapore, met with Hubbis to give his insights on the growing need for financial transparency and the implications for the wealth management industry.
14MarEVENT: Asiaciti Trust Breakfast Seminar – “Foreign Grantor Trust – Planning for Succession to U.S. Heirs”
Asiaciti Trust hosted a breakfast seminar on “Foreign Grantor Trust – Planning for Succession to U.S. Heirs” at the Tower Club Singapore on Wednesday, 13 March 2019.
01MarNEWS: Nevis, Corporate Taxation
In compliance with international standards, the Nevis Business Corporation (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 and Nevis Limited Liability Company (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 were passed on 28 December 2018 to repeal tax exempt provisions.
28FebPRESS RELEASE: Richard Broad appointed as Managing Director of Asiaciti Trust New Zealand
Asiaciti Trust is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Broad as Managing Director of Asiaciti Trust New Zealand.
28JanARTICLE: The Single-Family Office: Keeping Things Simple
Sebastien Hayoz, Managing Director of Asiaciti Trust, is a keen advocate of the single-family office. But is this the preserve of the ultra-HNWI family or is it a more democratic option for a wider range of wealthy families? Hayoz gave his views in a presentation at the Hubbis Asian Wealth Solutions Forum in Singapore.
Nuestra publicación trimestral, Fiducia, proporciona las últimas novedades de la industria e información sobre eventos.