30SepAsiaciti Trust News – LARA 2017
Asiaciti Trust is pleased to present the fifth Latin American Roaming Art (LARA) Exhibition in Panama at the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Panama. The exhibition opens from 21 November 2017 until 21 January 2018.
30SepSingapore Signed Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement with Nigeria
Singapore and the Federal Republic of Nigeria signed an Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation (“DTA”) on 02 August 2017.
30SepMove towards a New Tax Regime in the United Arab Emirates
On 01 August 2017, the President of the United Arab Emirates (the “UAE”) issued the Federal Law No 7 of 2017 for Tax Procedures (the “Law’’) establishing the legal framework for a new tax regime planned in the UAE. This will commence with the implementation of value added tax (‘’VAT’’) as of 01 January 2018.
29JunAsiaciti Trust News – Annual Seminar In Dubai
Asiaciti Trust Group begins its fifth year of operations in Dubai. Senior executives from the Group gathered at the Capital Club in Dubai to present at its annual seminar on the topic “Advising International Families on Estate Planning and Asset Protection”.
29JunPacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative Facility
The Cook Islands – domicile of choice for the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (‘PCRIF’). The PCRIF structure shows international recognition that the Cook Islands has a strong legal and regulatory framework that can support an international infrastructure initiative.